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Join with a valid email address our members site at https://Members.RightToBoycott.com to discuss this problem of people wrongly thinking they can censor free speech by outlawing boycotts. A Boycott is an Expression of Free Speech and is Constutitionally Protected Speech. A Boycott is everyone's right. We choose who we do business with and whose products and services we buy in our own way - and no government can mandate that we do business with someone, a person, a group, or a nation, whose beliefs, policies or actions are abhorrent to us. A boycott is protected as it is part of our Constitutionally protected rights to freedom of speech, freedom of belief, freedom of thought and freedom of opinion. American cities' boycotts of apartheid South Africa helped end apartheid there. We currently (2025) call for a complete Boycott of Russia, North Korea, Communist China, Iran, and India (for doing business with Russia and not standing with the West and Ukraine against Russian imperialism and brutal agression and war crimes). Do NOT do business with those countries. Do not do business with firms, companies and individuals of those countries. Do not visit those countries. Do not help them in any way, do not spend a penny on products made in those countries or made by businesses registered in those countries and do everything to force them to stop their horrible actions. Do not do business with companies, states and individuals who do business with those nations. If we cannot force them to stop their atrocities with the power of a boycott, then we have no alternative to war - and a boycott should almost always be attempted before going to war - such is the horror of war and its consequences. Join the Patriot-Party.US - a party that will never try to outlaw boycotts - since boycotts are an expression of free speech they are forever protected in the USA. At Members.RightToBoycott.com you can discuss and vote on removing bad unamerican laws which unconstitutionally try to prohibit boycotts, and the return of the United States of America to an Ethical and Moral position and policy. Join with a valid email address our members site at https://Members.RightToBoycott.com to let us know what you think, and to participate in our polls.
Motto: "There Is Nothing Higher Than The Truth." Also: "The Truth Shall Set You Free." Sites We Love: We Must Use Our Reason To Survive .Faith Unalienable Rights For All .Men There Is Nothing Higher Than The Truth .Science Sticks And Stones May Break My Bones But Names Will Never Hurt Me .com The Internet Domain Owners Assn - IDOA.info Take the Free Speech Pledge!Laws that are unconstitutional have been made by corrupt politicians censoring speech and the press, and corrupt judges have refused to strike down these unconstitutional laws. The Solution: use, and demand that others use, freedom of speech and freedom of the press as a litmus test for all politicians and judges everywhere. Impeach those existing politicians and judges that do not uphold absolute freedom of speech and of the press; and refuse to elect anyone to any office, or allow any judgeship to be filled by anyone who does not support absolute freedom of speech and absolute freedom of the press, absolutely. It's as simple as that. Take the Pledge!Support our challenge to all and any law abridging free speech or freedom of the press. We should not have to add another amendment to the U.S. Constitution protecting freedom of speech and freedom of the press. These protections were the first rights and protections enumerated in the Bill of Rights (the first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution). We just need to get rid of the corrupt politicians and judges who do not uphold the Constitution. Furthermore, in order to help other countries facing the same problems to resolve their abridgements of constitutionally-guaranteed rights, let us boycott every country which does not allow absolute freedom of speech and absolute freedom of the press. Do not visit those countries, do not buy goods or services made in those countries, and do not do business with nationals of those countries or supporters of those countries, until such time that the country allows absolute freedom of speech and absolute freedom of the press. It's as simple as that. A boycott is an expression of free speech and is an excercise of free speech. Everyone has the Right-to-Boycott.com!
Proudly brought to you by:
Matt Hooker future POTUS - President of the United States and what is more: an American.
One of America's greatest and most beloved poets, Robert Frost, wrote a beautiful poem about freedom of speech that all should hear and consider how it applies to their own thoughts, lives, and reactions when they hear speech (bird talk or protestors) that they do not like: A Minor Bird
I have wished a bird would fly away,
Have clapped my hands at him from the door
The fault must partly have been in me.
And of course there must be something wrong